It was great to return to ZMI and its quietness. Rushing from place to place and the fast pace of the city, it became easy to forget about God and the fact that He would like to hear from me from time to time. It was in those moments where the nature He created would leave me in awe that I would usually remember Him. In contrast, the first thing we did here in ZMI before our little welcoming gathering, was to open up in prayer and worship. It was so nice to come into His stillness for a change. We ended the night with pizza, CAKE, and a fogata with some smores. Despite the near freezing temperature (50*), everything was awesome. As the night grew darker, the stars shined brighter, a sight rarely seen in miami. Up on the hill, with no glow from the city, it was easy to appreciate the night sky.
I was a bit saddened to have missed "Exalt," the event my home church "Maranatha," was having on Saturday. Despite this, I received a good report about the event and so rejoiced, and I am so proud of all those who were participants and helped put it together.
Your post are great John. Glad your time up on the hill was so sweet. I would love to have eaten some smores. The cold, well not sure about that. Exalt was awesome but we missed you.